And all the pipe cleaner animals stood erect-- a fierce wall of nylon and wire defiance--
with one voice they exclaimed, "We shall not be silenced!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Benson - The Morkie

Here is the first feature of NightLady's custom order: Benson the Morkie.

I have never heard of a "Morkie" until now. For those of you who are unfamiliar as well, a Morkie is a mix between a Yorkie and an Maltese, and look at the super cute result!!

Benson's nickname is "Hightower" because he's a little taller than his parents, so I made him taller as well! Look at those long legs! :)


abundancejournal said...

Benson Hightower the morki OMG. Nice work!

Unknown said...

too cute! I want a Morki now, dang it!

sheilabythebeach said...

Very cute, I didn't even realize they made pipe cleaners still. Well, it's a good thing they do because you do some super fun things with them!

Artist/Painter said...

Unbelievable cute!

Melody said...

Oh my goodness! Your puppy is the cutest EVER.