And all the pipe cleaner animals stood erect-- a fierce wall of nylon and wire defiance--
with one voice they exclaimed, "We shall not be silenced!"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Custom Pipe Cleaner Pup: Val

My best friend's (Luisa's) 31st birthday was yesterday, and as a present to her, I made her a custom Fuzzy of her adorable Pomeranian, Val. I believe Val is short for "Valentine" because she was a gift to my friend from her husband for Valentine's Day. Here is Val (the only recent picture I could find of her on Facebook--- I have no idea why she has a cone on):

And here are a few from when she was a pup:


Turned out Val was pretty hard to fuzzify. I don't know if it's because she's so darn cute, or if I had just put too much pressure on myself to make Fuzzy Val "perfect" for Luisa. Either way, I think Luisa liked it.


Luisa Pak said...

Luisa loved it!!! hahaha. I loved that you used that picture where val looks scared with rudy.

Adrianna Grezak said...

Super cute!

tiffannysketchbook said...

cute doggie!! :D